Dream Jobs
Throughout my career as a legal secretary, school secretary, administrative secretary, and executive secretary, I always dreamed of jobs I would have found so much more exciting. I’m not referring to the fact that we all know by now I should have been a therapist, but to some really fun jobs or what I thought might be fun jobs.
For example, I always wanted to be a croupier. Working in a casino seemed so exciting to me. You deal (no pun intended) with tons of different people daily, you wear a cool uniform, you experience the excitement of seeing someone win big (or maybe you fear for your job if they do), you see people in all sorts of attire, some of them glamorous, etc. And if you’re single, who knows who you’ll meet. Of course, you’d have to be very discerning since you wouldn’t want to get involved with someone who has a gambling problem.
And for those of us old enough to remember, I wanted to be Julie on the Love Boat. I mean who didn’t want to be Julie? How exciting to be a cruise director, once again meeting tons of people, always getting to dress up and partake in fun and social activities. Dinner with the Captain and all the rich guests. I’m in.
I would have even been happy to work in an exclusive hotel, checking in all sorts of people for the vacations they worked so hard for or the rich and famous who would be staying in the hotel suites. The thought of meeting people from all around the world and perhaps finding my true love who would sweep me off to Paris or to a castle in Scotland was very enticing.
There was a point in time when I wanted to work in Disney World. In fact, that was my dream job for years that I was planning to do part-time in retirement. It would have been the perfect job for me telling people to watch their step as they boarded the rides. But Disney has changed so much, those jobs don’t even exist anymore.
And last, but not least, I wanted to be a figure skater. I was infatuated with figure skating as a child and I wanted to partake in pair skating. Once again, that no good romantic side of me interfering with good decision-making. But since we were poor and I could only skate to save my life, this was certainly not a realistic option for me.
I’m very interested in hearing what your dream jobs would have been, and maybe some of you actually did or still do them.
Do tell.