Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

I’ve recently been blessed to meet some new people who have made a huge impression on me since I don’t think I have ever seen so many people who genuinely like each other. They see each other almost daily, sometimes in smaller groups, and do activities such as kayaking, pickle ball, boating, etc. They love their parties and socializing, teasing each other, but never to the degree that someone gets hurt. At least I haven’t witnessed that as of yet and I highly doubt I will.

To avoid confusion at this juncture of who I am, I have not kayaked and unless I’m in a two-seater where occasionally I have to dip an oar, or whatever those things are called that kayakers use, in the murky, alligator-filled water, I don’t think I’ll be partaking in that particular activity. However, I’m starting to enjoy the boating life, although I’m a clumsy, terrified, and useless mess, and I certainly love the partying, and I played pickle ball for the first time (or a very beginner’s version of it anyway) and hope to get better so I can really play. Everyone makes fun of pickle ball that it’s an old person’s sport, and I suppose it is, and I suppose I’m old because I gotta say that playing with just one opponent in the midday heat was exhausting. Of course, being a wuss doesn’t help. But there’s lots of running and bending involved, so boo the naysayers.

But back to these people. Some of them have known each other for 10+ years and continually welcome others into their fold. I attended a party last night where there were three different groups who all knew the host and on occasion had mingled in the past. They all came together without a hitch and then there was me. The very obvious newcomer. Everyone greeted me beautifully, so warm and welcoming, but then since they knew each other, I felt sort of awkward as they spoke about things they shared from the past.

Although some who know me may think I’m an extrovert, I’m actually not, one of the reasons I’m a writer. It’s a lot easier being behind the scenes than putting yourself out there. But there’s only one way to move forward and that’s to actually do it, so after a short while, I put my journalistic interview skills to use and got to bond with several people and it was awesome.

No matter what age you are, it’s hard to meet new people, especially if you’re a bit shy. I can see some of you shaking your heads like no, she is not shy, but I am. And walking into a situation where 30 people already know each other is like your first day of high school in the middle of the year in a place you’ve never lived before. Intimidating!!!! But once again, not a single person made me feel uncomfortable and they’re all so interesting.

Shout out to John for always treating me like a princess, allowing me to meet his buddies, and most importantly, showing me what living your life can really be like.